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ETH Zurich - Sustainability at ETH - Network - Dominik Brem




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ETH Sustainability Report 2011-2012

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Dominik Brem

bild brem

Dominik Brem, Environmental Officer of the ETH Zurich

"Sustainability must be a reality for all 20,000 people who work, learn or research at ETH – to create the necessary conditions for it is my goal."


1. What motivates you to work for sustainable development?

Only a sustainable development will secure an existence on this planet for us and for subsequent generations. For our ancestors a sustainable existence was taken for granted, was lived intuitively. This collective knowledge has to be reintroduced into our highly technological, globalized and fast-paced society. Not only efficiency is required but also a return to sufficiency. If we only pay lip service to sustainable development – we increase the burden for our children.


2. What are your goals for the future?

The concept of "Sustainability" is used in unbelievably many contexts and definitions. Often times the definition and context stays diffuse, impenetrable and hardly tangible. My vision is that sustainability is able to be experienced, becomes a part of our daily life. Towards that end, the ETH Zurich should create an innovation platform on both campuses, which inspire society to rethink their beliefs.


3. What is your part in reaching this goal?

Generating suggestions leads to continuous improvement at ETH Zurich. Specifically, we are looking at resource protection, closing material flows, and making careful use of all types of energy. In addition, I try to make sure that the boundary conditions are set so that ideas and concepts which are developed at ETH Zurich can also be directly implemented on our campus.


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